‘At First Sight’ + My New Commitment

Many of you sent emails and feedback regarding my last post – Thank you for that! I received a few messages, surprised that the Stormy Weather festival was the first big event I had attended. And a couple of you suggested great venues that I should check out – I love this! So, I am making a new commitment to myself. Over the next six months – I will attend a minimum of two art events or galleries a month. I feel this could be a great opportunity for me to grow and better myself (you have to remember, I’m fairly new at this – I’ve only been showing my work for a couple of years). So if you have any recommendations for (semi-local) galleries that I should visit or shows I should attend – PLEASE share! I may not make all of them but I am committed to two a month.

Here is my most recent street scene. At First Sight will be featured in Xanadu Gallery’s Art Catalogue in December.