by artbydjh | Mar 14, 2016 | New Work
Since returning home from Arizona, my focus has been on cleaning up my studio, in part – completing a few of the paintings I have in process. Have four pieces to go, but here are photos of two new umbrella paintings one with a fun new palette of...
by artbydjh | Mar 10, 2016 | Gallery Exhibitions, New Work
I recently spent the better part of the day painting at art gallery H during the Tubac Arts Festival. The gallery looked beautiful! The weather cooperated and I met some wonderful people! Thank you to the whole gallery team for making me feel so welcome! Beneath the...
by artbydjh | Feb 18, 2016 | Gallery Exhibitions, New Work
In preparation for the upcoming art festival, I’m shipping four paintings to art gallery H in Tubac. The two new pieces are pictured here. The recent paintings, Distant City and Aglow, can be found on my website...
by artbydjh | Feb 16, 2016 | Gallery Exhibitions, New Work
Because I typically have multiple paintings in process at the same time, I decided to challenge myself and channel my energy into my first triptych. Urban Reflections is 60”(w) x 30”(h) and is heading to DragonFire Gallery this...
by artbydjh | Jan 19, 2016 | New Work
Being a new year, I decided that my studio needed some serious organization! With this I’ve taken a long hard look at work that remains in my rack; some finished, some not and have determined that I know why a few of these have just been ‘hanging around’. Typically...
by artbydjh | Nov 7, 2015 | Gallery Exhibitions, New Work
I received a call from the owner of DragonFire Gallery ten days ago asking if I could bring some additional work to the show. She shared that two of the paintings that I had recently delivered in anticipation of the Stormy Weather Arts Festival had sold. (Thank You...