Into the City

Into the City

Typically when I select this palette for a new piece, I have a single lady in mind, with a flowing dress or jacket. I decided to mix it up with a two people and used a different technique on the couple – one that I’ve done in a number of grayscale pieces. I wasn’t...
Reimagining Finished Work

Reimagining Finished Work

Every so often, I’ll end up with a stray finished painting. Maybe it went to a gallery (and didn’t find a new home) or maybe it didn’t, but it just hangs out in a corner or on my drying rack until I feel inspired to do something with it. That was Exactly what happened...
Scrapping the Initial Plan

Scrapping the Initial Plan

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Revisiting A Style

Revisiting A Style

I have recently had a couple of people contact me about the same (sold) piece that I did a few years back. It had a group of people walking down a street including one couple, with the man’s arm around the woman’s waist. I hadn’t done anything like that in a while, in...
The Power of Observation

The Power of Observation

Have you ever met (or even observed) one of those people who just immediately make an impression on you? Someone who you’re instantly intrigued by?? This happened to me recently while I was people watching in the grocery store. This ‘lady’ just EXUDED positive vibes,...
For the love of RED

For the love of RED

I do realize that I sometimes choose a pretty bold palette, which isn’t meant for everyone. But some of us are IN LOVE with brilliant reds, bright blues and the like. I have only created a few pieces where the intense color fills the canvas from top to bottom and side...