DragonFire Gallery says yes 🙂

For the last couple of months I’ve been researching Oregon galleries to see where my work may fit in / who I might want to submit a portfolio to in the future. During my research I ran across DragonFire Gallery in Cannon Beach. Something struck me about it and I’ve had a post-it on my computer, with their name on it ever since.  About a week ago I grew some guts and sent off an email submission. I’ve heard from a lot of people, that these things take time. Weeks or months can go by without a word. (Thankfully) I got a very quick response… and a positive one – YAY!

So I hadn’t been to Cannon Beach for yeeeears but I now had the occasion. I was invited to show them my work in person. We went the night before to get reacquainted with the area and (of course) check out the gallery before I was to meet them the following day. WOW…Cannon Beach has grown! It’s filled with great little shops and cafes and yes a number of galleries. I immediately fell in love with DragonFire. This isn’t your snooty, buttoned up, white walls kinda of joint.  It’s fun and lively with bold colors on the walls, bright and brilliant work everywhere. I loved it!  

The following day, with a full blown butterfly farm working in my belly…I went to show my paintings. I’m absolutely thrilled to say DragonFire has accepted my work and will be showing a variety of my street scenes and my reverse paintings on Plexiglas. DOUBLE YAY!

So if you’re in the area coming up, they’re located at: 123 South Hemlock St. in Cannon Beach