New Street Scene & a Finger Painting

I’ve just returned home from the beach where I spent A TON of time in my studio down there. I have two new paintings completed and three more well on their way. The first is On My Way a 20″x24″ acrylic. And what can I say… sometimes I just have a hard time staying away from my reds.

A while back I did a workshop about ‘loosening’ up my work. Because I work mainly with a pallet knife I’ve struggled some with implementing what I’ve learned. Some people can paint very loose with a pallet knife but I use them differently and tend to rely on the rigid edges to create defined images and then blur areas with a brush or my fingers when I want or need less definition. So I’m working on a new approach. This won’t be how I create every painting from here on out but with Walking in the Rain I put down the knives and used ONLY my fingers.