Paintings 8, 9 & 10

I have finally reached the ten paintings mark. (I’ll do better on my timeline with my next attempt at this).

In the City is a 24″x24″ acrylic. This is only the second time that I’ve painted figures this close up.  I wanted the focus to be more on them and their movement rather their surroundings. It was an interesting challenge!

City Walls is also a 24″x24″ acrylic. It’s not very often that I paint my buildings all of the way to the top canvas edge. I wanted to give the impression of being surrounded by the city…walking through the streets and feeling / realizing how small of a piece of the world each of us really are. Wait…this isn’t a bad thing – for me it’s actually a positive. It’s humbling and it reminds me to open my eyes and really look around. I just returned home from a trip to the Oregon Coast and the coast makes me feel that way. We all get so wrapped up in our day-to-day but when I step foot in the sand and just watch the waves roll in, I’m reminded of all that’s out there, outside of my own little world.

Painting #10 cannot be shown at this point but I promise, it does exist. It’s a commission project that I finished this past weekend. It’s also a gift, so until it’s been received – I can’t share a photo. Soon…