I was recently contacted by a collector in search of a gift for her wife. They’d purchased a painting of
mine some time back but this was meant to be a surprise for a special birthday.
Given some perimeters, I began emailing her images of some of my available work to see if there was a
piece that she was really drawn to. Through that process, I also learned that she was hoping for the
umbrella (held by the couple) to be one of their favorite colors. Which wasn’t my standard red…
With most of my work, even after a painting is complete, small adjustments are actually pretty easy to
make. I’ve done this twice before when someone wanted to change a person in the scene. In this case,
the umbrella color was able to personalize the piece for her. (This did lead to a few other adjustments
but the umbrella was the key). The original version and the final version.
I hope that they will get years of enjoyment out of Early Risers!!