I’m Back! With four new paintings…

I’m Back! With four new paintings…

Just before Thanksgiving, we decided to put our house on the market. We’d been talking about it for a couple of years but just thought, let’s just do it and see what happens. Knowing that we were headed into the slow time in the real estate market, we didn’t expect...

New Street Scene & a Finger Painting

I’ve just returned home from the beach where I spent A TON of time in my studio down there. I have two new paintings completed and three more well on their way. The first is On My Way a 20″x24″ acrylic. And what can I say… sometimes I just have...
‘At First Sight’ + My New Commitment

‘At First Sight’ + My New Commitment

Many of you sent emails and feedback regarding my last post – Thank you for that! I received a few messages, surprised that the Stormy Weather festival was the first big event I had attended. And a couple of you suggested great venues that I should check out...