I received a call from the owner of DragonFire Gallery ten days ago asking if I could bring some additional work to the show. She shared that two of the paintings that I had recently delivered in anticipation of the Stormy Weather Arts Festival had sold. (Thank You DragonFire! And Thank You to the collectors that chose to take those pieces home!!) She asked if I could bring additional work to replace these paintings when I came down for the show.
What could I say other than, yes – of course I can – thank you so much for the opportunity!
What she didn’t know (and may or may not be learning right now) is that I didn’t have any work in town even started. NONE! Which is quite unusual for me but I had been working really hard last time I was here, to finish pieces that I had in process to bring to her for the show. But, excited by the challenge, I agreed to bring additional pieces – not making any sort of a commitment to her on how many but having the personal goal of three. I had one canvas, was low on paint and my calendar was fairly full of upcoming family activities. I feel it’s appropriate to admit that cuss words may have been involved when I realized that I had TEN DAYS! You’re not reading this, but I’m actually writing this on the eve of day ten. I leave tomorrow morning for Cannon Beach. I worked harder as a painter then I probably ever have and I’ve hit my personal goal… YAY!! But must say – I’m pooped! Here are the last three pieces headed for Cannon Beach.