Two New Paintings

Two New Paintings

Typically when I’m experimenting with my work I try to think in pairs and paint two pieces similar in style, using the new technique. The last painting I wrote about was Following Strangers. This piece, along with Waiting on the Corner (below) have been all...
A New Black & White Street Scene

A New Black & White Street Scene

I think that I mentioned in my last post that I’ve been experimenting with texture lately. When I work in oils, the paint itself can provide texture. Unlike most people, I use it straight out of the tube and it has a thick, rich, buttery feel and whether applied...
I’m Back! With four new paintings…

I’m Back! With four new paintings…

Just before Thanksgiving, we decided to put our house on the market. We’d been talking about it for a couple of years but just thought, let’s just do it and see what happens. Knowing that we were headed into the slow time in the real estate market, we didn’t expect...

New Street Scene & a Finger Painting

I’ve just returned home from the beach where I spent A TON of time in my studio down there. I have two new paintings completed and three more well on their way. The first is On My Way a 20″x24″ acrylic. And what can I say… sometimes I just have...