Two New Paintings

Two New Paintings

Typically when I’m experimenting with my work I try to think in pairs and paint two pieces similar in style, using the new technique. The last painting I wrote about was Following Strangers. This piece, along with Waiting on the Corner (below) have been all...
A New Black & White Street Scene

A New Black & White Street Scene

I think that I mentioned in my last post that I’ve been experimenting with texture lately. When I work in oils, the paint itself can provide texture. Unlike most people, I use it straight out of the tube and it has a thick, rich, buttery feel and whether applied...

New Street Scene & a Finger Painting

I’ve just returned home from the beach where I spent A TON of time in my studio down there. I have two new paintings completed and three more well on their way. The first is On My Way a 20″x24″ acrylic. And what can I say… sometimes I just have...
‘At First Sight’ + My New Commitment

‘At First Sight’ + My New Commitment

Many of you sent emails and feedback regarding my last post – Thank you for that! I received a few messages, surprised that the Stormy Weather festival was the first big event I had attended. And a couple of you suggested great venues that I should check out...